Saturday, 20 December 2008

work party blushes.

last night I went to the Christmas party, delicious food, excellent atmosphere and the exciting tremours of "its nearly Christmas!!!". Now, I am not the sort of person that necessarily hangs out with work people as the conversation nearly always is about work.
Not at work, do not want to talk about work on a friday night at a beautiful restaurant. But I have to say with a smile on my face, I had a really good night.

I had decided before I went that I would just people watch. I don't think one really gets a chance to do this at work as one is supposed to be working???? As I watched these familiar faces laughing and talking intently, it struck me as odd that for a year and half i don't think I really know these people. Yes, I call some of them friends and yes I have a good relationship with all of them, but do you really know the people that you work with.

That all said, it was a rather revealing night with certain people personalities and by just watching them and their body language and how they interacted with other's was rather incitful!

My question for today is - what have you experienced lately that has made you think / smile or ponder?

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