Tuesday, 26 May 2009

introvert or extrovert???

(my lame photography of a golden statue in Brugge - sorry couldn't resist)

The last week has been manic in my house!!

I had my birthday on Wednesday, which was fantastic and I was very spoilt by my beloved.
Then the weekend bought beautiful weather and we managed to get and about. We went to Mary Ardens house which is part of the Shakespeare trust and had the best day. The trust put on a bit of a Tudor day and with the sunshine smiling down, it was a day filled with smiles.
Now its half term and the weather is turning slightly (apparently tomorrow its going to rain - lots) so I am trying to fit heaps in, things that we have wanted to do for ages but have been too tired to do.

Today we went swimming with one of my sons friends and his mother (of which I get on really well).
Theo is such a cautious kid in so many ways but so extreme in others. He will watch and wait and work things out before, or if, he tries it. Sometimes he has done the thing before but will still get a bit nervous about it.
Take our swimming outing for example, he has never ever liked getting his face wet, hates it and it really freaks him out. He will not, under any circumstances "dunk" his head under water and if he goes down one of the water slides I have to catch him on the way down so he doesn't go under water.
Interesting, the friend that we went with today is exactly the same...and not just with swimming, but his little brother is fearless in the water, throws himself around and loves going under the water...complete opposite.
It got me thinking about how siblings essentially come from the same genetic make-up but have such different personalities.
Me and my big brother couldn't be more different if we tried...I'm rather intense but also (I like to think) extremely loyal, I am fairly out going and will try new things with excitement, I love meeting new people and I put my life out there for anyone to read...my brother on the other hand is a sit at home with his family sort of person, has few friends but has had those friends since school, he holds his cards very close to his chest...intensely private person.
I wonder, if we could have another child, what would their personality be???out extrovert or introvert??

Overall I would describe myself as and an extrovert with slight introvert tendencies!! I like to think myself loyal, I like to think myself as someone who will go to great lengths for those that need it, I do try at these things and yes, sometimes I fail..but don't we all??

So my question / thought for this entry is...what are you..introvert or extrovert and why??

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