Wednesday 4 March 2009

what super hero??

I am really into a programme called "hero's" - anyone else watching this?

Within the show are people who have powers, some use them for good, others not so good. Above it all is one person trying to control them all with the "agency".
It strikes me, no matter what your job is there is always some power hungry little person trying to make others jump to their beat.

Anyway, it got me thinking....what power would I have if I had the choice??
On the one hand I would like to control machinery so whenever I went to the cash machine it would just give me money no matter what my account said!! But then again, I would like to be able to time travel and put right all the mistakes that I have made, and I have made some whoooppppeeeerrrsss!! and re-live the good memories. But then I would also like to be able to go invisible so I can watch what my child actually gets up to at school...or be able to fly like a bird soaring across the skies.
I would like to be able to have the power to stamp out the bad emotions that I have affiliated with some memories or have the power so that my child and my family never hurts or cries in pain.

But I really think that my special power would have to be something like being able to turn into what ever object or person that I wanted, but also have the knowledge and memories of the person I have just morphed into!! - now that would be cool. Like some politicians..did they or didn't they? Or some really bloody intelligent person and get some of their brain cells into mine!!

Even if it was just for a day, I would need notice that this would happen so I could make a list of all the objects / people that I would morph into!!!

So my thought for this blog is - what super power would you have and please tell me why!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big Heroes fan. I'd love to be able to fly - it's soemthing I do in my dreams quite regularly and would love to be able to do it in real life. Talking of Heroes - can you tell me why Peter has got his "base power" of empathy back but Hiro hasn't got his? Did I miss something?
