Monday 20 April 2009

hair - tis a funny old thing

I had long blonde hair until recently. My hair went to the middle of my back but was in desperate need of a bloody good cut. All I did with it was tie it back.

A friend of mine comes to ones home to cut the hair, so I took her up on her services.
I am a very determined person and once I set my mind on something, its very hard to get me out of what I want to do.

I have what I call baby hair, its very fine and wispy.

All that taken into account I had the lot chopped off. Its now the length of just touching my shoulders and I have a fringe.

I don't like it, my husband in his ever tactful way says that he will "have to spend time getting used to it", or in other words - he don't like it!!

The length I like it's just the fringe. It sort of cuts my face in half!!!!

But it does look healthier (well at least one thing about me looks healthy!).

But don't you think that hair is a bit of an odd one? I mean us girls stress over our hair, does it look good, would it look good another way and if so do I have the balls to go for a complete change? Men on the other hand don't seem to have that much stress do they? I am not including all men into that because I have seen men with more products in their hair than they can shake a stick at...9 times out of 10 they are estate agents aren't they!!!

Come to think of it, when it comes to appearance, men do not stress as much as us ladies, which is weird because with animals its the male trying to impress the females?!?! We watch our weight, how much are our boobs are sagging with age, face creams to keep youthful looks, fashion to make us look nice...all these things add up.
Me, I'm not a trend setter by any stretch of the imagination, I am completely comfortable in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. If I think I look nice I tend to walk with a bit of a spring in my step. I know the critics out there will say "feeling good should come from the inside"...only a man would say that! I do agree with the statement, but in short, if one went out dressed in crappy old clothes then you aren't going to feel like wonder woman for the day!!

SO my thought / question for this entry is....what do you do to make you feel good about yourself, ready for the day ahead???


  1. "men do not stress as much as us ladies" - dear lady, I must protest. I had hair down to my waist until I was 30 and then, like you, decided it needed to be cut. Hardest things I ever did - and the scariest - and it took me a long time to get used to it. But I don't regret it. Except when I'm at a music gig and some head-banging is required.

  2. The most important question is - where's the photo, for us hard-of-travelling people who can't pop up to the Midlands?

  3. Steve - My husband when I met him had very short hair, I saw a picture of him with long hair and ordered him to grow it - it got very long, and like you, said it was perfect for "moshing"!!! he has also had it cut right back but stil uses products to tame his curls!!

    David - maybe I will post one once the fringe has grown a little!!!
