Tuesday 7 April 2009

we are back

I have been at home now for about an hour after a very long and very bum hurty journey.

In order, here is the list of things that I have done since walking in the door.....
Thanked neighbours for feeding are 3 cats and gave them their gift.
Put the kettle on.
Un-loaded the car.
Made tea.
Got some food for child and started him on that.
Logged on.
Now writing blog.

My kitchen looks like a disaster area as this is where we have just dumped stuff until tomorrow when I get round to un-packing it all. We didn't do much shopping but seemed to have come back with exactly twice as much as what we took with us...it knows I am the one who will have to sort it as hubby goes back to work tomorrow, so it has decided to bread in the back of the car...how typical is that?!?!

We did have a great time, as predicted, and when I have my head on the right way round and can see everything and not just tail lights I will tell you all about it.

Tonight's menu for dinner consists of porkpie, fresh white bread, cheese, pickle and fruit...everything that doesn't need much attention or cooking...excellent meal after a long journey!!

So my friends, we are well rested and looking forward to the rest of the Easter break with family and friends.

My question for this entry and with food on my mind is....is there anything that you do to wind down after a long journey home??? for me is to have a cup of tea.


  1. Eating and unpacking gifts are definitely the first things. Then checking emails. Laudnry gets left until the next day always. Ah, I know that "just arrived home from holiday" feeling so well!

  2. i'm glad I am not the only one who thinks food first!!!
