Saturday, 7 February 2009

hmmm interesting......

My son during not feeling ill times...thats not food down His top, he has fabric painted his own design onto it!!

Today my son has been seriously ill, dipping in and out of a temperature rising to 39.9oC - not good. He has been very sleepy and its heartbreaking as a mother because there is nothing I can do except put various kids medicines down him and try to keep him as cool as possible...not easy when he is shivering saying that he is freezing.

So whilst he was taking one of his naps I got bored and did a bit of web surfing and the results are 10 rather interesting facts which I kinda said hmmm to.

1. The 7 wonders of the world were compiled by Greek historians and are, The great pyramid of Giza, The hanging gardens of Babylon, The statue of Zeus at Olympia, The temple of Artemis of Ephesus, The Mausoleum of Halcarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes and The lighthouse of Alexandria.

2. The powder of chewing gum is finely ground marble

3. If you stop feeling thirsty you are in desperate need of water, the body shuts of its dehydration mechanism just when you need it the most!

4. If you are ever swimming in the Amazon or Cranoco Rivers of South warned, do not take a pee. The fish Candiru is attracted to the smell and will swim into the penis or vagina and lodge its self there with the spikes on its back and will drink your blood. The removal of the Candiru can cause the loss of the genitalia.

5. The Hawaiian alphabet only contains 12 letters which are A E I O U H K L M N P and W and every word ends with a vowel

6. The marathon was started by a man called Pheideppides in 490BC. He ran from Marathon to Athens to report of Greeks success. The 25 mile run was over hills and straights and when Pheideppides arrived, his feet were bleeding, he gave the message and dropped dead. The 1st Olympics in 1895 honoured him with a race of 25 miles.

7. The roar of the ocean noise when holding a shell to ones ear is not the sound of the ocean but that of the blood rushing through the veins in the ear.

8. Bats always turn left out of caves.

9. The plastic thing at the end of a shoe lace is called an Aglet.

10. If a statue of a person on a horse has a) both front legs in the air it means that the man dies in battle. b) the horse has one leg in the air means that the man on the horse dies due to his battle wounds. c) both legs of the horse are down means that he dies of natural causes.

I have learned something today and I hope you have too. I think its healthy to be able to blart out rubbish facts like those at times of lulls during a dinner party!!

so my though for this entry is...what have you learnt today?


  1. It was far too early in the day to read about no.4. Not that there would ever be a good day.

    Hope the boy is soon feeling better!

  2. thank you steve. He awoke this morning feeling right as rain...I would love to still have the ability to be crap one day and fully better the next...oh the joys of childhood.
