Thursday 26 February 2009

loving on a Thursday

Today I am expressing my gratitude to the wonderful Mother Nature. She is a fantastic force of which I am always in complete awe.

Within the last 2 weeks, we have had freezing blizzards of snow, rain, beautiful sunshine and cloudy yet warm days.

yet, with all this interchangeable weather, the flowers still grow, the squirrels have awoken and are already busy collecting, the birds are returning and I am full of glee.

I love my life. When I was a kid and imagined how my life was going to be, this is it. I have a really brilliant husband who I love adore and a son who I feel blessed to have, for me, work is coming together.

Sometimes, when one isn't feeling so gleeful, it is hard to see the good in our lives. The unfinished book that we really want to find the time to finish and get published, the car that we long to have but is out of the budget range, the sleepless nights having a new born baby, or having a really stressful job - all these things can really narrow our impressions of life. But I dare you to go for a walk TODAY, and just take the time to look around and see what you haven't notice before, even if it's a 30 minute stroll to your local park. I was walking the other day along a route that I would normally drive and saw this really beautifully built building, it's really ornate and very well maintained. Its got really gorgeous flowers in the front garden and all the paint looks fresh, its on the roadside but not having a car allows me to just potter about.

I took the above picture on Saturday - the day with real sunshine in the sky. I walked past this plant and at that precise moment thought to myself, I want to smell the sunshine and to my friends amusement I stood stock still and just sniffed, rolled my shoulders back, looked up to face the sun and smelt this wonderful floral smell, looking down I saw this flower in all its spring time glory...I simply had to take it's photo!!

I love the fact that no matter what our human emotions are doing, mother nature rolls on doing her work, bringing out the flowers, making the ever changing weather and wiping the slate clean for us to appreciate.

So my thought for this blog is a) what are you loving today and b) when was the last time you took time smell the flowers?


  1. Nature has the same thing that we are and this is Stillness, beauty, strength and wonderful solid and constant moving energy! The most recent time I stopped to smell the flowers is now and the day before, it was now. Always, I'm present or try to be present. I don't want to miss a thing. And I don't when I stay in the present moment. I love the same in you as in me everyday! That's peace. Thanks for sharing the beautiful flower!

  2. I absolutely love and appreciate all that Nature is. Thanks for providing a little bit of hope today.

    Happy Love Thursday

  3. I can't get through the day without taking at least one walk and breathing the free air...

  4. thank you for your comments - it really does mean alot to me. I am glad that you all take time to smell the flowers and get out there with your eyes well and truly open!!! good for you!!
