Monday 2 February 2009

very happy

So Monday has been done for this week and what a manic day it has been, work and mind agility to leave me, well frankly it has left me gasping for energy.

But a general excitement fills me and my boys as its snowing, big fat heavy flakes of the white wonderful stuff - I love it!!!

I saw the most beautiful pictures today, I saw the first spring flower, a snowdrop, peaking up above the snow, behind it was two of an ever green and one of a single bold branch...i will try to capture this with my camera and upload it. Another scene was of 2 small children running around in circles dancing in the falling snow. The last but by no means least was the looks of pure joy mixed with concentration on my sons face as we walked to school this morning...he was soo overjoyed with the snow and trying desperately to walk where no one had trodden yet..fantastic.

My cats however are blaming me for the weather. You have to appreciate that all 3 of my cats are devilishly dumb. They do not go out side when its too wet, too cold or too damp so the snow has completely thrown them. My cats have scowls and I got more that my fair share of them this morning. If they could have spoken to me as I was pottering about they would have said "oi you, dinner now, make the snow go away as you put it there...sort it out" - the usual.

But today I feel humble to the snow. It lays covering all the dirt, it makes you cold enough to want to go back in and have a bowl of soup and fresh bread, it makes you want to go outside and reclaim your youth by building snowmen, it lies to you..its semi warm when you go out to play snowball fights but within half an hour you can no longer feel your wet gloved hands. I bow down to its many facets.

So today I am happy with the pretty town I live in and tomorrow it will have all gone. I hope it isn't all gone as I really want to get out there with my camera..I am no photographer but I do like to snap away at things that please me.

My thought for this entry is..what is the weather doing with you?? and do you appreciate it or wish it would try something new??


  1. Well, as we're both citizens of Warwick I suspect our experience of the weather is very similar - no more snow alas, but very icy and colder than yesterday!

    "all 3 of my cats are devilishly dumb. They do not go out side when its too wet, too cold or too damp..." you know, put like that your cats sounds devilishly clever!

  2. Hi Steve,

    firstly, thank you for leaving a comment I admire your work greatly!

    secondly,I will explain the scene as I type this, one cat is sitting so close to the radiaor I am seriously suspecting that the thing now has boil inn the bag brains, another is attacking its own tail and the third is sitting watching the TV...they are all thick!!!!

    so, where is the become a follower on your blog site??

  3. I can't use the "Follow" widget on my blog as Blogger rather meanly won't allow it to work with blogs published at private domains (as mine is). Not sure why. You're not the first person to have trouble with. :-( Hope it won't put you off returning!
