Thursday, 15 January 2009


The guilt that comes with being a parent is sometimes very overwhelming, when you think you know what your child is up to it what I am on about now???

My son would be happy if he never had to eat again, he is such a great kid, but 3 times a day we have a battle for him to eat his meal....last night was no exception. he sat there moaning on about how his leg hurt, I thought that he was trying it on and trying to get out of eating, so I just said eat your food.

anyway, this morning he woke up and bless him, could hardly walk....oooppps said I. Now at this point I had to make some investigations as to where it hirt and had he done anything to hurt himself, the pain is right around the area that a man would get groin strain...again ooopppps.

So I took him to the doctors where he examined him and told that its not his groin but his hip....oh good lord, he sends to go and see an orthopaedic person at the hospital - straight away.

So off we went to A&E department and one boring hour later we were seen by a really nive gentleman who explained that for children, its really easy for them to hurt / damage their hips... in my sons case he thinks that my son has a virus but isnt too sure, it could just be hurt...excellent.

So we have to go back next week if its no better for some test.

So here was me thinking that my son was trying to pull a fast one and trying to get out of eating but he was actually injured...I am officially the mother I swore I would never be!!!

so my question for pondering today is - have you any guilts and if so what do you do to ensure the situation does not happen again?

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