Monday, 5 January 2009


so a new year and today is the day that things start to get back to "normal". Husband has gone to work for the morning, he is looking after son this afternoon while I go and do a stint at the paid work.

I dont do the paid job on Tuesday and so, with a faint skip in my step, I am really looking forward to tomorrow as i am going to have such a productive day. Today I will get all the house work done and things like that so tomorrow I can really get to grips with my other stuff - like the writing thing.... I am sooo excitied.

Yesterday afternoon, Son and I spend cutting fancy pictures out of magazines and creating a visual experience of what we hope for in 2009....not enough magazines, need more pictures!!! I bought a little miss and a mr men poster to cut up, it was very interesting what son choose for his representation of himself with the mr men!!!! - I will tell you all about it when we are done and the pictures have been stuck down.

thats it for now, maybe more later...

question for today....what are you excited about and (if any) what do you need to do to get prepared???

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